
Bad Grammar & Abstract Work

Comma Comma
2019, 16″ x 16″ (four component parts)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found train ticket, receipt, segment from pulp novel and oil paint on wood panels

Split Infinitives
2019, 16″ x 16″ (group of four pieces)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers and oil paint on wood panel

Misplaced Modifiers
2019, 14″ x 22″ (diptych)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers and oil paint on wood panels

Dependent Clauses
2019, 10″ x 24″ (triptych)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers and oil paint on wood panels

Dangling Participles
2019, 16″ x 28″ (five component parts)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers and oil paint on wood panels

2019. 13 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers and oil paint on wood panel

2019. 13 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers and oil paint on wood panel

2019. 13 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers and oil paint on wood panel

Higher Math
2019. 12”x18” (diptych)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, papers from antique arithmetic book and oil paint on wood panels

First National Yellow
2019, 16″ x 8″ (diptych)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers including bits of a check dated 1875), oil paint on wood panel

Conversations Left

Conversation Left
2019. 13 1/2”x 13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pencil on book page, found lace, found papers and oil paint on wood panel

Conversation Right
2019. 13 1/2”x13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pencil on book page, painted collar from doll dress, found paper and oil paint on wood panel

Tree Hugger
2019. 10”x8”
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found images, pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel with concrete spacers

Tea and Me Under a Tree
2019. 9 1/4”x 12”
Mixed media: acrylic paint, portion of cigar box, found snapshot, antique receipt, playing card, pencil and colored pencil on paper, assorted papers and oil paint on wood panel

2019. 13 1/2” x 13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found antique photograph, bookbinding thread, found rusty can lid, playing card and oil paint on wood panel

Stone’s Throw
2019. 13 1/2”x 13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found antique photographs, pencil on paper, remnants sheet music, found stones and oil paint on wood panel

2019. 13 1/2”x 13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found antique photographs, found geometry protractor, window chain pull, pencil on paper, piece of rusted can and oil paint on wood panel

Tag, You’re It
2019. 13 1/2” x 13 1/2” (framed)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found antique photographs, pencil on paper, cow ear label, remnant antique arithmetic book and oil paint on wood panel

Instant Ancestors
2019. 8”x 8” with 2 1/2’ cradled sides
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pencil, found 19th century photograph, assorted found papers and oil paint on wood panel

Pseudoscience, Birds and Lessons on How to Disappear

Making art can be therapy, hard work, a distraction and an escape. The radical changes in how we must now live our lives since the onset of the Corona Virus pandemic have been unprecedented and without a doubt those changes have affected how we make art. For many artists, imagery of face masks, hand sanitizer, gloves and other items are being featured in their work. I find the limitations around human interaction that we must now accept just as difficult as the fact that we must protect ourselves by making use of face masks and other items. But I don’t feel inclined to memorialize or reference those items in my work.

Nevertheless, the impact of so many lives lost, the fear that surrounds going out into the world and the many restrictions that have now become the norm all impact us in ways that aren’t necessarily conscious or under our control. Without a direct plan, I found myself playing with some of the underlying themes without making a direct reference to the specifics of life now. Which is how this series “Pseudoscience” came to be.

Some of the impetus for this work came from witnessing the tendency (spurred in part by that man in the White House) towards hanging hats on implausible cures or far-fetched theories. Fear is such a profound and deeply uncomfortable experience that since history was first recorded, we humans seek relief through magical thinking and fantastical therapies.

This body of work makes use of humorous imagery from some of the multitude of approaches used over time to either predict the future or control it. Some of the images and items used in this work include repurposed Tarot Cards, and references to various forms of magic.

Two items found their way into some of this work: one a card game called “Flinch” which was first marketed in 1901 and features a custom deck with 150 cards. Each card has only a very elegant number but no suits such as clubs, hearts or spades and to my eye evokes something mysterious.

The second was a book on Phrenology from the 19th century that I’ve had for several years. Phrenology was the pseudoscientific study of the skull which was supposed to reveal important aspects of character and personality. It grew out of a desire to understand the mind and in some respects was the precursor to the field of psychology. But it also functioned to support racist and bigoted notions separating people into sub-human categories.

Making art can certainly be a distraction which I find very helpful. It can also be a form of play. For me, the beauty of doing mixed media work allows the artist the liberty of playing with many disparate materials. Despite the fact that these are heavy and difficult times, if there is a way to convey even a little bit of humor, it confirms the therapeutic benefit of art.

Mi Casa
2021.  10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, pencil and colored pencil on paper, plastic wire and oil paint on cradled wood panel

Return to Sender
2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, found photo, found scrap of letter, remnants of old map, and oil paint on wood panel

2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found photo, assorted papers, found envelopes, list found in Japantown San Francisco, and oil paint on wood panel

Pretending That Everything Will Be Okay
2020.  12”x10″x3.7”
mixed media: acrylic paint, pencil and pastel on paper and wood panel and found clock case

Snake Charmers
2020.  12”x12″ (four pieces)
mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, found antique photographs, pencil and oil paint on wood panels

The Theory of Pseudo Certainty
2020.  12”x18″ (diptych)
mixed media: acrylic paint, paper, found pages from antique magic book, bias tape, grommets and oil paint on wood panels

Center of the Forehead
2020.  10”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found 19th century portrait, found paper, “Flinch” card on found envelope, piece of found French receipt, paint on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Jaded Muscles
2020. 10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found 19th century photo, “Flinch” card, ad for Absorbine, paint on paper and oil paint on wood panel

2020.  10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found Russian card, “Flinch” card on found envelope, paint on paper, found photograph and oil paint on wood panel

2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found bottle cap, paint on paper, image from phrenology text, “Flinch” card and oil paint on wood panel

Numbers Game
2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found 19th century photo, “Flinch” card, paint on paper and oil paint on wood panel


In challenging and not so challenging times, birds easily hold fascination and delight.  A dull day can be lit up, even momentarily, by the presence of a bird in flight, or the sudden flash of color hidden beneath soft brown wing feathers.  In these painful times, the musicality of birdsong can lift us from our worries and remind us of the beauty and abundance of nature.  Walking on a daily basis during the pandemic, nothing can give as much pleasure as birds, whether flying in undulating flocks, nestled in on a bush or diving and bobbing in the water with a fish in its beak.  Utilizing the bird imagery here has brought me a sense of comfort and pleasure which has been so therapeutic.  I have been reminded of the importance of play, of color and of how birds connect us to something beyond our cares that is so alive and vibrant.  How lucky we are to only have to look outside our windows and ourselves and feel deeply that despite everything, beauty that persists.

Birds with Words
2020.  10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, found and altered bird images, shredded papers, pencil, colored pencil and pastel on paper, found envelope remnant, and oil paint on wood panel

Gambling Birds
2020.  10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found facsimile from card game, paper packing material, pencil, colored pencil and paint on paper, found bird images, sheet music and oil paint on wood panel

Nesting Instincts
2020.  10”x10”
mixed media: acrylic paint, found bird images, found photo, sheet music, paper packing material, pencil, colored pencil and paint on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Self-Portrait / Random

Lessons in How to Disappear
2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, found 19th century photographs, pencil and colored pencil on paper, sheetrock tape, piece of metric tape and oil paint on wood panel

The Law of Diminishing Returns
2020.  8”x8”
mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, pencil on paper, sheetrock tape, bias tape, washers, found 19th century photographs and oil paint on wood panel

What If?
2020.  21”x18”
mixed media: acrylic paint, industrial filter, assorted found papers, pencil and colored pencil on paper, remnant of atlas and oil paint on wood panels


The Real
2018, 20 1/2″ x 13″
Mixed media: wine crate, assorted yarns, children’s blocks, acrylic paint, drawing and found papers on panel, found flashlight, paint sample on wood

2018, 20 1/2″ x 13″
Mixed media: wine crate, spine of found book, piece of Mexican toy,  found wood statue, glass vials, rubber ball, acrylic paint, found papers and drawing on panel, found boat float

2018, 19 3/4″ x 13″
Mixed media: wine crate, found potato masher, antique doll on piece of turned wood, found metal piece on paint sample on wood, assorted found papers, acrylic paint and drawing on panel, plastic balls, domino

Travel Plans
2018, 12″ x 16″
Mixed media: wooden tray, assorted papers, acrylic paint, drawing on panel, old bus transfer, found papers, cloth doll, pencil, pastel on paper

2018, 9 1/4″ x 13″
Mixed media: wooden tray, bingo pieces, colored paper, antique Rx, old glass vial, acrylic paint, assorted papers on panel

2018, 11 1/2″ x 6″
Mixed media: cigar box, assorted papers, found shaving brush, found photograph, collaged matchbox

2018, 12″ x 8 1/2″
Mixed media: cigar box, assorted papers, collaged matchbox, faucet washers, found toy bucket, found photograph

2018, 14 1/2″ x 7″
Mixed media: cigar box, assorted papers, Mickey Mouse shower cap box, collaged matchbox, plastic ball, bulb syringe, found ceramic figures

2018, 10″ x 15″
Mixed media: found drawer,  assorted found papers, found ball, collaged match box, old glass jar with found faucet washers, found tool case, acrylic paint and assorted found papers, pieces of Bingo game and stationary supplies

2018, 16 1/2″ x 12″
Mixed media: cigar box, found imagery, antique sent envelope from Vienna, paper, faucet washers, found religious figure, fragment of book binding, acrylic paint, assorted papers, wooden beads and drawing on panel


M is for Mammal
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted papers, found imagery, pencil, colored pencil and pastel on paper and oil paint on wood panel

P is for Pointer
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted papers, found imagery, pencil, colored pencil, pastel on paper and oil paint on wood panel

S is for Suit
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted papers, found imagery, pencil, colored pencil, pastel on paper and oil paint on wood panel
Sold to the Hayward Library

T is for Trench Coat
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted papers, found imagery, pencil, colored pencil and pastel on paper and oil paint on wood panel
Sold to the Hayward Library

X is for XRay Vision
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted papers and found imagery, pencil, colored pencil and pastel on paper, and oil paint on wood panel
Sold to the Hayward Library


2017. 7″ x 5″
Mixed media

Reliquary with Fishing Line
2017. 6″ x 6″
Mixed media

Reliquary with Button
2017. 6″ x 6″
Mixed media

Reliquary Peru
2017. 7″ x 5″
Mixed media

Reliquary at the Beach
2017. 6″ x 6″
Mixed media

Nata Riposa
2017. 7″ x 5″
Mixed media

Long Winded Tales from Distant Lands Series

I am a much better swimmer in my nightly dreams than in real life. In a pool or natural body of water, I am clumsy, get water up my nose and battle a fair dose of fear.  In my dreams however, swimming is effortless and I move with weightless ease.  I swim across borders, glide through continents, past mountains, treasures, crumbling buildings, and strange animals. I am as skillful as a sea creature. The journey is endlessly fascinating and delightful and I sleep contently.  So in waking hours, I find myself drawn to aquatic imagery again and again.

I started this series thinking about swimmers and swimming.  And as I often do, I used fragments of old books.  This led to the serendipitous discovery that an unnoticed piece from an antique book that I’d affixed to some work held the lines: “distant lands” and “long winded tales”.   Sometimes tossing a pebble at random produces just the right notes for a melody or a clue to what apparently was missing.   To honor those unexpected results, this series has become “Long winded tales from distant lands”.

Long Winded Tales from Distant Lands
2016. 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, neck tie remnants, found images, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

2016. 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, neckties remnants, found images, page from old book, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

2016. 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, page from old book, found image, pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Reading Material
2016. 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, upholstery remnants, pages from old book, found images, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Metamorphic 1
2016. 11″ x 14″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, found images, old book page, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Metamorphic 2
2016. 11″ x 14″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, necktie remnant, found images, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

2016, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, neck tie and upholstery remnants, found images, old book page, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

A Day at the Races
2016, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, found images, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Big Top Series

With the recent closure of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, the word circus is changing from a noun to something merely descriptive that many people will have no experience of.   It is useful in describing many situations and perhaps current events.  An actual circus in the historic sense of three rings, animals, stunts and clowns, may have become something of the past.

The imagery, the craziness, the improbability of the circus have always intrigued me since I was a kid and noticed that when off-stage, clowns weren’t very nice.  Worse yet, some were scary.

This series plays with and reinvents some of that imagery.  Animals piled on top of other animals, people jumping through the air and clowns whose behavior is unknown, but at least aren’t scary.

Wild Horses
2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, circus memorabilia, pencil, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, remnants of old map, circus memorabilia, pencil, colored pencil, stationery supplies, oil paint on wood panel

2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, cancelled envelope piece with stamp, circus memorabilia, pencil, colored pencil and oil on wood panel

May Wirth
2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, remnants of old map, circus memorabilia, cancelled envelope, pencil, colored pencil, stationary supplies and oil paint on wood panel

2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, circus memorabilia, found letter dated November 9, 1900, pencil, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

Dive to a Small Place
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, circus memorabilia, found images, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Button Up
2017, 14″ x 14″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, found imagery, circus memorabilia, pencil and colored pencil on paper, oil paint on wood panel

Bremen Redux
2017, 14″ x 14″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, found images, circus memorabilia, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Balancing Act
2017, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, found imagery, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

2015, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, cancelled envelope, circus memorabilia, player cigarette card, stationery supplies, pencil, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

Fabrications and Other Notions Series

My mother and grandfather were both involved in sewing and the production of clothing. They thought I should carry on the tradition and put needle and thread in my hands at the age of 5. I instantly hated it and to this day my reaction hasn’t much changed.

That doesn’t mean that I have avoided collecting pieces of fabric. I have been the recipient of some marvelous gifts of clothing, brilliantly colored, finely stitched, but that I would never wear. Some of course I give away, others have found a home in my studio in the same way that hundreds of pieces of paper, ephemera and other found objects have settled in (permanently it seems).

So it seemed a good idea to give those neglected pieces of fabric some opportunity for another life and incorporate them into my work. This series makes use of embroidered clothing from India, upholstery samples, necktie pieces and other scraps. No needle or thread passed my hands in the process.

Fabrications 1
2014, 12″ x12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, necktie remnants, embroidered Indian fabric, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Fabrications 2
2014, 12″ x12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, embroidered Indian fabric, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint shoe polish on wood panel

Fabrications 3
2014, 12″ x12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, necktie remnants, embroidered Indian fabrics, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Fabrications 4
2014, 12″ x12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, embroidered Indian fabric, necktie remnants, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Fabrications 5
2015, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, embroidered Indian fabrics, upholstery sample, old letter remnant, pencil, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

Sock Hop
2015, 12″ x 12″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, sock remnants, fabric pieces, pencil, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

See Through
2014, 8″ x8″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted fabric scraps, assorted papers, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel.

Left Turn Above the Village
2014, 10″x10″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, antique German paper doll images, upholstery sample, fabric swatch, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Big Girls in a Little Garden
2014, 10″x10″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, antique German paper doll images, antique player cigarette image, upholstery samples, necktie remnants, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Big Dog
2014, 10″x10″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, images from antique German paper dolls, fabric swatch, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel.

Back When We Were Peasants
2014, 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, images from antique German paper dolls, upholstery sample, fabric swatch, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel.

Stampede Series

There is something quite extraordinary about an old stamp. It’s both a tiny picture and a hidden story.  Whose image is on it, and why? Where did it come from? Where did it go? Why is it still around? On what kind of letter did it travel?  Was it on something carrying words of love, reporting events of the day, bad news?   And why do some appear untouched and others have heavy marks tattooed onto their surfaces?

This series was generated by the purchase of a crammed but small container of used stamps at an Amsterdam flea market last year.  It sat in a drawer for several months until it begged for some attention.  While the stamps are not the focal point of this work, they do interact with the narrative in inexplicable ways, adding little elements of mystery, sometimes suggesting travel, or perhaps the lost threads of a conversation.

Checklandia 1
2014. 8″x8″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, Dutch and Italian stamps, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Checklandia 2
2014. 8″x8″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, antique French receipt page, Belgian and Indian stamps, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Checklandia 3
2014. 8″x8″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, antique French and Japanese papers, German and Portuguese stamps, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Descending the Stairs
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, German Stamp, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Forty Marks
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, German, Italian, Sudanese and Czech stamps, found yearbook photo, antique Japanese writing, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Heart on Sleeve
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, Italian and German stamps, pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

NW Twelfth Street
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, Hungarian and French stamps, V-Mail 1944, antique Japanese list, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, Austrian and French stamps, antique Japanese papers, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Post 10
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, German and Indian stamps, pencil, pastel, antique Japanese papers, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Russian Detectors
2014. 10″x10″
Mixed media; acrylic paint, assorted papers, German and Russian stamps, pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel


Talk Therapy
2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Not Good if Detached
2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, image from Hungarian anatomy book, bus transfer ticket dated 1938, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, pencil, colored pencil, pastel, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

I Can’t Hear You
2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, hat and robe from Piero della Francesca, antique Japanese papers, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, necktie remnants, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Blue Flower Piercer
2014, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel


Pomology, Forbidden Fruit
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, French ledger receipt, sheet music, pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Pomology: Tuesday
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, French Ledger receipt, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Pomology: Juggling
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Pomology: Gangster
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers including bank note from 1890, pencil, colored pencil, oil paint and shoe polish on wood panel

Pomology with Fish
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, French ledger receipt, sheet music, pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Edison Fish
2013, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, sheet music, pencil, oil paint, shoe polish on wood panel

Assorted Mixed Media

2018, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers and fabric remnants, pencil and colored pencil on paper, pastel and oil paint on wood panel

The List
2017, 6″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, found antique and assorted papers, cancelled stamp and oil paint on wood panel

2017, 6″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, logo from player piano scroll, pencil and colored pencil with found images on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Official Business
2017, 6″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, assorted found papers, pencil and colored pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panel

Short Fuse
2017, 12″ x 9″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, pastel, pencil drawing on antique receipt, found images, rusted fuse box and oil paint on wood panel

Plow Shares
2017, 12″ x 9″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, pastel, pencil and colored pencil on paper, found antique receipt, old electric switch plate, oil paint on wood panel

Notify At Once
2017, 12″ x 9″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted found papers, pencil and colored pencil on paper, rusted food can lid and oil paint on wood panel

Net and Twine
2017, 6″ x 12″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, pencil on receipt from 1885, pastel and oil paint on wood panel

My Dear George
2017, 12″ x 9″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found photograph, found letter dated 1899, pastel, pencil and colored pencil on paper, rusted form-tie wedges, rusted twist tie and oil paint on wood panel

2016, 18″ x 12″ (triptych)
Mixed media: acrylic paint, found papers, found photographs, found receipts, found Player cigarette papers, botanical drawing, pencil and color pencil on paper and oil paint on wood panels

Things That Go Bump in the Night
2015, 8″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers, pencil on paper, colored pencil and oil paint on wood panel

2018, 10″ x 10″
Mixed media: acrylic paint, assorted papers and cloth remnants, pencil and colored pencil on paper, pastel and oil paint on wood panel